Understanding the process of cryptocurrency mixing

Nowadays, any transactions that are ever recorded must be agreed upon using a consensus method. In addition, each transaction is encrypted and has a correct reference to the old transaction using a hashing method. Check how to use the best bitcoin mixer in such transactions in the article below.
What is the basic concept behind Bitcoin?
The basic concept behind Bitcoin is that there will only ever be 21,000,000 coins. And that means it will remain unchanged in value or increase in value against other currencies that are printed indefinitely. Other reasons that make the asset seem like a good investment include rapid popularity, network effects, security, immutability, and status as the first digital currency.
Traders successfully make money precisely on cryptocurrency price fluctuations. That is, it is a game on the cryptocurrency exchange. There is a risk that you will buy a cryptocurrency at one price, and it will fall. You need to be ready for this, says the expert, and not invest more than you are afraid to lose.
What is the principle of Bitcoin tumbler running?
The mixing protocol of bitcoin tumbler runs in multiple one-to-one transactions and provides decentralization and security. Fully compatible with the existing Bitcoin network, Yo!Mix mixer uses secure multiparty computing (SMC) to enable user collaboration. It combines several user transactions into one pool, paying recipients conditionally “clean” coins from it.
Security in Yo!Mix is also enhanced by the fact that each node contains a copy of the transactions ever made on the network. So, if any attacker ever wanted to modify the transaction, he would not be able to because other nodes would reject his request to write transactions to the network.